Yesterday I gave a class for the Oil Valley Center for the Arts. At first we only had two signed up. Then, after an article in the paper there were seven signed up. I prepared for seven. (You know where this is going!)
When the students started filing in, we somehow had two extras. (The husband of the woman who sets up the classes said ...... Oh sure. Come on down we can take more!) Now I'm not complaining. I love meeting people and more people means more money. (Sorry to be so monetary but my studio rent is coming up soon.) Luckily I ordered extra clay and took extra kits with me so all went well and I was able to accommodate everyone.
It was a great class. As usual, great people, great ideas, lots of fun and lots of energy. (I did sleep well last night. This was the second class in as many days and I had one more to go today. I'm not getting any younger.)
As usual, it's always a treat to see how everyone takes the project and makes it their own.
Going into the kiln
I even had a guy come all the way up from the State College area. It turns out he was a former student of mine when I taught elementary art. It was great to see him. He made a very basic piece and turned it into something unique. (Again I have to apologize for the photos....... I try. Just using my phone's camera.)
Michael Beck plans on hanging things from the jump rings he put around his fold-over bail piece.
Julian was a young man who took the class with his mother. Instead of using the ready made textures, Julian used Styrofoam and drew up his design from the radioactive logo.
Julie Flockerzi was very unsure of herself when she first started, but look how well her pieces turned out. Besides the earrings, she made a couple of charms to add to her bracelet. All this from 9 grams of clay. (Wonder how much we can get out of a 3 gram pack?)
We did have a little problem with some of the clay. I don't know whether it was old or something was wrong with the formula, but it was a little gritty, dried too quickly and was very difficult to recondition. In fact, I gave Michael a new package and took his clay to recondition it. (It was still difficult to work with today,)
Tomorrow, I'll fill you in on my "workshop" at Hotafest in Titusville. Spoiler Alert! (I'm still a Boy Scout.)
Love the outcomes! Looking forward to seeing more! (Ask Michael to send you a photo of his really-finished piece!)
But, I have to ask: "a 3 gram pack"?!
Are you thinking about what you can make out of a 3 gram pack of GOLD? It comes in that size, and could be very interesting!
With silver, though, I think the smallest pack is around 6 grams, and the price per gram for that is way higher than for the others. To try to make a basic charms / earrings intro class more affordable, I will sometimes divide a 25 gram pack into 5 gram chunks. (Allowing enough extra, of course, for those who may decide they want more than that one chunk.)
Yes, be prepared!
I think you are right Carol, the silver is 6 grams. I wasn't thinking about price, just wondering how many pieces we could get out of it. Good idea to cut up a bigger pack. That's what I did at Hotafest today.
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