Sunday, September 26, 2010

Look what I found!

I was cleaning out the bottom of the jewelry chest today and found these polymer clay pieces.

By the last grading period of the year, my students were tired and it took a lot to motivate them to keep working. Polymer clay was a medium that most of them weren't familiar with and was just the motivator we needed to keep going. (The bad thing was that my art room was usually pretty warm by that time of year, which made working with the polymer more difficult than it needed to be. We ran to the teacher's room fridge quite often to cool the clay.)

We started out by learning how to create a variety of canes; gradation canes, jelly rolls, checkerboards, striped and picture canes. Their assignments consisted of making a piece of jewelry from polymer clay and combining it with other materials, covering something with the polymer and creating a sculpture from polymer clay. Over the next few days, I'll share some more examples (a filler while I work on more metal clay. I wish metal clay costs were comparable to polymer clay costs.)

The single square cane was created by combining leftover canes, cutting and turning them to create a new cane. Wish I could remember exactly the process for doing this. Anyone want to share the technique?

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